
Keeping Your Pets Cool in Austin: Summer Safety Tips

The hot, sunny days of a Texas summer can quickly become dangerous for our furry friends. As temperatures soar into the 90s and 100s, pets face risks of dehydration, heat stroke, and other heat-related illnesses. However, pet owners in Austin, TX, can take steps to keep their four-legged companions cool, calm, and healthy all summer long. Our caring team at Dessau Veterinary Clinic have put together these top tips for protecting your pet when the heat rises.

Provide Plenty of Fresh Water

Dehydration is a major summer danger for pets. Make sure your pet has constant access to fresh, cool water both indoors and outside. Carry water anytime you leave home with your pet. Use collapsible bowls for walks. Place bowls in shady spots. Check levels frequently and change water when needed. Additionally, adding ice or a cooling mat can keep the water extra refreshing. You can also consult your vet about electrolyte supplements and other heat pet care needs, if needed.

Walk in Cooler Hours

Avoid strenuous exercise in extreme midday heat. Opt for early morning or evening walks when temperatures are cooler. Go for shorter walks and watch closely for signs of heat stress. This is one of the best tips for pet heatstroke prevention. Hiking or camping in extreme heat comes with big risks.

Provide Shade and Breezes

Ensure your pet has access to temperature-controlled indoor spaces with good airflow or cooling systems. Shade shelters, cooling mats, breezy porches, and more can all help keep your pet safe

Groom for the Season

Help your pet beat the heat by brushing and trimming fur, as needed. Removing excess hair reduces heat retention. Keep fur around paws trimmed to prevent hot surface burns. You can also take your pet to be groomed, if necessary.

Get Pet Heatstroke Prevention Advice, Preventive Care, Sun Protection Advice, Vet Care, and Pet Care from a Veterinarian Near You

With a few sensible preventative care tips, you and your pet can enjoy the summer safely. Contact us at Dessau Veterinary Clinic if you have any questions about keeping your pet comfortable in the Austin, TX, sun. Call us at (512) 339-3177 for pet heatstroke prevention advice, preventive care, sun protection advice, vet care, and pet care from a veterinarian near you.


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Read What Our Clients Say

  • "Dr. Campbell and all her coworkers are awesome! Mary remembers how each of my cats react when they come in to visit and even though they are very scared her and Dr. Campbell do everything they can to make it go as smoothly as possible for them. Even if I move out of the Dessau area I will continue to bring my cats here!"
    Izzy Roebuck
  • "Doc Campbell and crew show love and understanding for all their patients. We have used their services since 2005 for our fur family."
    Dora Ann Castro Rodriguez